Instagram Engagement Strategies: Beyond Buying Instagram Cheap Likes

27 July 2023 0 comments

If you are trying to take your brand a household name, Instagram is a fabulous platform to consider. Provided that you play marketing cards right, you can reach more people and boost your engagement. By engagement, Instagram means what percentage of your following interacts with the posts on your page. That means, the more your followers like and comment on your content, the better your engagement.

Now, while numerous brands buy Instagram cheap likes as an easy way of having the upper hand in a competitive market, it alone is incapable of bringing engagement. If you truly want to get more likes, comments, and shares on Instagram, you have to do things organically. Below, we will discuss a few strategies to employ besides buying Instagram likes to boost your engagement.

Proven strategies to increase Instagram engagement

Proven strategies to increase Instagram engagement

Here are some tried and tested methods to bring more likes, comments, and shares to your Instagram posts:

1. Post shareable graphics

Graphics, repurposed Tweets, etc., are some efficient ways to drive engagement. If your audience loves your graphics and relates to your posts, they are likely to share those posts.

Repurposed Tweets are also pretty engaging. Simply take a screenshot of your one of your Tweets and place it on a vivid background. If done properly, your audience would absolutely adore it.

2. Opt for carousel posts

If you wish to skyrocket your Instagram engagement, carousel posts should be your go-to. Using Instagram carousels, you can share up to 10 images, videos, graphics, etc., in a single post.

Interestingly, such carousels often appear in people’s news feeds many times. This can be extremely beneficial in increasing your chances of getting likes, comments, and shares.

3. Go for casual interactions with your audience on Instagram stories

Stories give users a good opportunity to show their personality to their audience. From advertising your product to asking questions to sharing business tips – stories are a good way to bring more engagement.

Besides, occasionally, you can also share a glimpse of your daily life in your stories. This allows your audience to engage with your content more, as they get an idea of the person behind the brand. They engage more as they feel more connected.

4. Host tempting giveaways

Let’s get this straight; people love free stuff. Hence, if you want to drive more Instagram engagement, giveaways are an effective strategy. Before hosting giveaways, you have to be aware of what your target audience would like.

Your giveaways must be appealing to your audience so that they can’t resist engaging with your content. Ask your audience to like, comment, and share your post as a requirement for the giveaway.

Additionally, you can ask them to follow your page too. Doing so can bring you mind-boggling engagement from a single post.


As you can see, it is possible to bring more engagement to your Instagram posts if you take proper measures. Ourfollower offers several high-quality Instagram likes packages with 100% guaranteed results at affordable rates. All these likes come from genuine accounts. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about safety. Pick the package that best suits your needs and follow the above tips to efficiently boost your Instagram engagement rate. Good luck!

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